Wittur Tools
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April 4th-5th, 2019 Bedfordview – Edenvale, Johannesburg

Want to know more? Wittur Replies! Wittur Tour 2019 in South Africa

On April 4th and 5th, our Wittur sales and technical team for Spain and Africa, led by Arnaldo Almeida and Miguel Angel Corrales, organized the 2019 Wittur “Replies” Tour in Bedfordview – Edenvale, Johannesburg (South Africa) with the assistance of Fabrice Lajugie and our local South African team: Pedro Rodrigues and Sandra Pinto.  

On April 4th and 5th, our Wittur sales and technical team for Spain and Africa, led by Arnaldo Almeida and Miguel Angel Corrales, organized the 2019 Wittur “Replies” Tour in Bedfordview – Edenvale, Johannesburg (South Africa) with the support of Fabrice Lajugie, Michel Lemaire, Daniel Domingos and our local South African team: Pedro Rodrigues and Sandra Pinto.  

This was the latest of a series of events to offer customers and users of Wittur products to meet our experts and discuss together the support they need in their daily work. The session was educational-focused and meant to give to participants a broad overview of the best solutions (tips and tricks) available to facilitate installation and maintenance and make the most of our elevator products. Moreover, a substantial part was dedicated to the complete range of modernization solutions that Wittur offers. More than 50 customers attended the two sessions and gathered the information they need to improve their elevator business.

See you in May for “Wittur Replies” Tour in Spain and Italy!